Serious injury of crew member on board of Maltese flagged vessel KAILI on 02 May 2024 in Bay of Riga

1)  Final report - Fatal man overboard from fishing trawler VARITA on August 28, 2022

2) Final report - Grounding MV"CEG Galaxy"on 01.08.2023. at Isle of Jura, Scotland, UK


2020, Collision of Faroe Islands vessel NOSSAN with Latvian fishing vessel MARITA in Baltic Sea on 15th July 2020

Heavy contact of Madeira flagged vessel Lyra with pier 51 A in Port of Liepaja port on 26th October 2019

Fatality onboard of cargo vessel "Piltene" in vicinity to Brazilian coast

Grounding of Liberian flagged vessel "RABA" in Liepaja port

Safety investigation into the fire on board the Latvian registered oil tanker "ZIRCON" on May 25, 2017

Fall of stevedore on container ship "Wes Janine" during cargo loading operation with loss of life in Riga port on 20.02.2017

MT GIANNUTRI Crew member fatality following a fall into an empty cargo oil tank at a shipyard in Riga, Latvia 21 June 2016

Death of a crew member of the M/V "VASTERBOTTEN" on 14/04/2016 while plying the Baltic Sea

Cilvēka bojāeja uz zvejas kuģa "Mēmele" Barenca jūrā 2016. g. 21. aprīlī

Tankkuģa "Flagman-1" uzsēšanās uz sēkļa 2015. gada 10. oktobrī Rīgas ostā

Sadursme starp zvejas kuģi "LLB 1124" un M-08 "Rūsiņš" 2014. g. 29. aprīlī

Marine casualty on board of MV "Staropolye" in port os Skulte on 24 Jan 2014 

Sadursme starp kuģiem "Horizonts" un jahtu "Oskars" 2013. g. 01.septembrī

Grounding of mv "EMSSUN" in vicinity of cape of Kolka on 05 January 2013

Baržas "Liellaivas 804" apgāšanās Rīgas Tirdzniecības ostā kravas operācijas laikā 2012. gada 21. novembrī

Serious accident at sea on 15 October 2012 involving the vessel "Liva Greta" at Nockeby Bridge in the County of Stockholm, Sweden

Par jūras negadījumu ar zvejas kuģi "KATE", kurš notika 10 jūras jūdzes uz ziemeļrietumiem no Mērsraga ostas 2011. gada 23. augustā

Jahtas "Mārupe" kapteiņa pazušana bez vēsts Irbes šaurumā 2011. g. 09. augustā

Tankkuģa "DMITRIJS" sadursme ar bagarētāju "MARIEKE" Rīgas kuģu remonta rūpnīcas akvatorijā 2011. gada 28. jūlijā